
Bilal Khan and Quratulain Balouch Roshan Sitara OST Hum TV

Bilal Khan and Quratulain Balouch Roshan Sitara OST Hum TV
Artist: Bilal Khan and Quratulain Balouch
Song: Roshan Sitara
Composer: Waqar Ali
Lyricist by: Sabir Zafar
Drama Writer: Sarwat Nazeer,
Producer: Abdullah Kadwani, Humayun Saeed & Asad Qureshi
Directed by: Siraj-ul-Haque
Cast: Samina Peerzada, Munawer Saeed, Momar Rana, Sanam Baloch, Naheed Shabeer, Sadia Imam, Affan Waheed, Behroz Sabzwari, Lubna Aslam, Kaiser Khan Nizamani, Wahaj,Qaiser Naqvi, Ayesha Gull, Rizwan Ali Khan, Raima Khan,

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Roshan Sitara is the story of love and sacrifice spanning two generations. The first generation of lovers are the star-crossed cousins Roshan Ara and Mansoor, while the second generation consists of Momin and Sitara whose relationship comes to a happier ending.
Giving in to her mother's greed Roshan Ara gets married to a feudal named Hakim Ali. Mansoor dies of a broken heart while his 8 year old brother who is very attached to Roshan falls into bad health as he mourns his brother's death and being separated from Roshan Ara. His mother decides that the only way for him to get better is to move on and so she sends him to the US. Where as Roshan Ara discovers that her husband is already married.
Hakim Ali's first wife is extremely cruel to Roshan Ara, who passes away after giving birth to a baby girl. Growing up, Sitara has to face being constantly menaced and ridiculed by her step mother until she is sent of to live with her maternal grand mother's house where her aunt showers her with affection. But as Sitara grows older she begins to realize that her beauty is jeopardizing her aunt's chances of getting married. This upsets her immensely and she arrives on a decision.
On the other hand when Momin returns to Pakistan after 20 years, he falls head over heals in love with Sitara. But her grandmother wants Momin to get married to Sitara's aunt Iffat. In the meantime Hakim Ali decides he misses his daughter and lands in Pakistan to take her back with him.

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